1p4 rocks

iP4 ROCKS!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week 4 reflection

I learn alot today about HTML,which stands for HyperText Markup Language.I also learn how to create a webpage which interest me alot.From now onwards,I can create webpages without any softwares needed.We should write html,/html and then head,/head which contains the title,/title.Last but not least, the body,/body.

We should save the file in HTML format like ".html" or just ".htm".There's of course alot more like p,/p for paragraphing and h1,/h1 for the heading and many more.As for the heading,h1 is the biggest while h6 is actually the smallest.We can also add images and links.

This is my first time learning how to create a webpage.It's definitely too complex to see all these stuff when we view the source.But when you actually go and learn it,it's quite easy to your surprise.

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