1p4 rocks

iP4 ROCKS!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Week 3 reflection

In week 3,i learn that copyright is wrong and we should not plagiarize. There are grave consequences for it and we may be charged for it.Mostly people plagiarize because they are lazy and i think they should think before they act lest they regret when they are punished.

I also learn about what is going to be like and the technologies in ten years time.They are very cool and i hope to see that soon.Indeed the technologies are very advanced and improving and we really have to keep up with them.

Last but not least, i learn that we should not create a blog or website together.We should choose what is suitable for us.Maybe some are experienced in computer and they can think about setting up a website.For those that like to hear others comments can maybe set up a blog.

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