1p4 rocks

iP4 ROCKS!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week 4 reflection

I learn alot today about HTML,which stands for HyperText Markup Language.I also learn how to create a webpage which interest me alot.From now onwards,I can create webpages without any softwares needed.We should write html,/html and then head,/head which contains the title,/title.Last but not least, the body,/body.

We should save the file in HTML format like ".html" or just ".htm".There's of course alot more like p,/p for paragraphing and h1,/h1 for the heading and many more.As for the heading,h1 is the biggest while h6 is actually the smallest.We can also add images and links.

This is my first time learning how to create a webpage.It's definitely too complex to see all these stuff when we view the source.But when you actually go and learn it,it's quite easy to your surprise.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Week 3 reflection

In week 3,i learn that copyright is wrong and we should not plagiarize. There are grave consequences for it and we may be charged for it.Mostly people plagiarize because they are lazy and i think they should think before they act lest they regret when they are punished.

I also learn about what is going to be like and the technologies in ten years time.They are very cool and i hope to see that soon.Indeed the technologies are very advanced and improving and we really have to keep up with them.

Last but not least, i learn that we should not create a blog or website together.We should choose what is suitable for us.Maybe some are experienced in computer and they can think about setting up a website.For those that like to hear others comments can maybe set up a blog.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My First IS Lesson:The Internet and WWW

today is my first is lesson and I learn how to create a blog,which is easy to learn,and it's my first time creating one too.After watching all the videos that Mr Kent has prepared for us,i learn alot that is new to me, like url stands for Uniform Resource Locator and is the specific address for websites.ARPA started the internet and it became functional at September 1969.A hit is any website that is the result of what we had search like on Google..com,edu,gov,mil are examples of a top-level domain.A IP address is a specific number that identify a computer connected to the internet.Yahoo and Google are examples of search engines and many more.Overall i have gained many knowledge and i am glad of that.
Hi Mr Kent and classmates,
I am sheng xiang from1p4.Below is a brief description of me.
I like to play board games,chinese chess or even play badminton in my leisure time. I like to eat rice and noodles.I seldom uses my computer at home except for my school work so I hope everyone can guide me in the future as i am very weak in my Infocomm Studies.